Seeing our bright future

Menatap masa depan, ^_^

Tersenyum menawan, menatap masa depan, ^_^

“If sometime you feel that your mind not fresh, smiling please….. 🙂 Then remember Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, our Rabb.  So that, you can get fresh again. I am doing this way, too.  And this is not my secret.  Because I told you.  If this is my secret, I will not tell about this one.  You can try it by yourself, and feel it. Ya, your mind will come fresh”, my best friend told me, just now.

“Actually, there are many kind of person arround us.  Each of them having their spesific character.  And there are many differenciate of us.  There are many kind of our character, as human.  They are many people who sociable, gentle, kind, genial and give more attention to other people.  Beside that, they are giving good respect to others, too. Great! I very like those all.  And wish to be like this.  I am choosing it.  Because in this life, we have an opportunity to choose.  And this is one of our asset in this earth”, in my view.

“The Al Quran telling about all moments in life. But most of the followers not following it. For example; when the Ramadhan month come, how many people following fasting. I believe that you known, about this. But, some of them are not praying 5 times also. May be, they are don’t know about it. If we learn and understand The Al Quran, we can do more. Our effort will be maximum. And we can be the best person”, my dream is coming, now. 😀

“Be a good girl, intelligent girl, Godfearing girl, cute girl, confident girl, spirit girl, and other kind character. I wish living as above characters all. Incredible! Then, when I can fasting more, and more, I  feel happier. The reason, why I do this are not for saving food money, so I am fasting more. Not. I said: Not, (Not balok, not angka, nota, note, no… no… not all). Although The Al Quran not told like that. Ya, not necessary, but I like it”, Hehee… 😀

And although, I not understand Arabic more. But I know arabic for reading Al Quran, only. And for understand the meaning, I read the translate in Indonesian (Al Quran terjemahan). So, I have two kind of Al Quran.  Beside that, I always keep in touch with my spiritual motivator “Ulama”. To continue my mind since I was a child. I wish to learn from you, forever. And be with you until the end”, Yes! 😀 I am dreaming again.

🙂 🙂 🙂

“Pesan-pesan positif dan konstruktif, sangat berguna demi masa depan kita”