Incredible Moment

I am at the book store

I am at the book store

There are many people at the book store. One of them is me. Yes. I am at the book store now.

What I am doing at the book store? Just reading. Of course. Beside that, I am looking many incredible people in here. They are reading different books as they like. Me too. I think, this is an incredible moment in my life. So, I enjoy my self when doing it.

Actually, not only reading and looking other people that I am doing in here. Because I am capturing too. That picture above is a condition at the corner of the book store.

I take it once before posting it in here. After that, I continue my first activity. That is reading.

🙂 🙂 🙂

Engkau yang awalnya satu. kini tak lagi begitu. Ada yang senantiasa bersamamu dalam melangkah. Buka mata, lalu melihatlah. Optimalkan fungsi telinga, lalu mendengarlah. Raba hati, lalu rasakanlah apa yang sesama rasakan. Indera penciuman, ada pada hidungmu. Pedulilah pada lingkungan. Ada kulit yang membentang luas pada dirimu, itulah alam.

~ Marya Sy ~

“Pesan-pesan positif dan konstruktif, sangat berguna demi masa depan kita”